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Writing task 1- First marriages, divorces and remarriages

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:13 pm
by MissIvy
Hi everyone,

If possible, please take a look at my writing task 1 and let me know if there's any improvement can be made. Thank you.

The charts illustrate first marriages, divorces and remarriages rates in the UK from 1961 to 1999. There is a negative relationship between the first marriages rate and the rates of divorces and remarriages.

The first marriages figure is just shy from 350.000 in the year 1961 and it gradually climbed to its peak at 400.000 in 1970. From there, the value rapidly fell to 250.000 in 1978 and went with mild change until 1991. Follow this period was a downward progression until it stopped at 200.000 in 1999.

Both the divorces and remarriages rates move in a similar fashion. Divorces rate was at 25.000 in 1961 and it swelled up to 25.000 in 1971. A period of modest, yet unstable, growth then occurred until 1999 with the rate hit its peak at 150.000 in 1978 and 1980. The remarriages rate started at 50.000 in 1961 and it also topped at 125.000 in 1972. After this period, the value remained stable with light variation of roughly 120.000 remarriages per year.

Re: Writing task 1- First marriages, divorces and remarriages

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:52 am
by Paul Davey
It's pretty good :geek:

I'll try to correct the remaining bit later (sorry, gotta go)


Re: Writing task 1- First marriages, divorces and remarriages

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:00 pm
by MissIvy
Thank you Paul Davey. I really appreciate your help.


Re: Writing task 1- First marriages, divorces and remarriages

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 3:35 am
by Paul Davey
Here's the rest of it