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IELTS Task 2

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:14 pm
by vinitm
Hello, please evaluate my writing.

IELTS task 2

Some children nowadays take sports seriously while others play sports in their free time. Is it a positive or negative development? Give your own opinion and examples.

Sports has always been important in the life of the human species since ages. It has always remained to be an entertainment quotient since the medival period. Now a days sports has become a integral part of every society. Altough, some people criticise and dont want their childrens to make careers into sports.

Firstly, Playing sports has many advantages and specially for childrens on their health status. Childrens develop stronger immunity and healthy body when they play any kind of sport. It also makes their mood fresh and brain to be active and stress free. Sports like soccer and cricket has taken the level of sports to a benchmark where achievements in that sport opts you many opportunities to earn respect, fame and money. Children start looking at these sports as their career. For example, In cricket, there are many opportunities for childrens to play at international level and compete with other countries players. There are county matchs from which they can climb up to become successful in that sport.

Secondly, Some childrens like to keep the sport they love as their hobby. Schools have special periods for playing sports and they also do encourage childrens to participate in various inter-school and intra-school championships. Not all children have the desire to take sports as their career. For example, If a child is good at science or music but still likes to play a particular sport for his hobby. On the other hand, Some parents do not believe that sports could make their child have a better future because of the competition out there and hence dont let their child pursue their ambition.

While the conclusion is that there is no positive or negative development even if the children play sports for their hobby or take it seriously, they all live healthy beacause there is no disadvantage playing a sport. Playing sport always help children grow and develop their body and mind.

Please evaluate. I have used some basic words here which i guess may lower my band. please check for any grammer mistake i may have made.

and thankyou in advance. :D

Re: IELTS Task 2

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:59 am
by Paul Davey
Here's the introduction. I'll check through the rest later today, if I have time.
This is a good introduction to writing: ... kWhite.pdf


Re: IELTS Task 2

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:56 am
by vinitm

I guess i really need to work on my writing skills..thankyou for pointing out my was really helpful.