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Cambridge 8, Task 2, Test 2

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:39 am
by ceojongseong
Hello, I'm a guy, who wants to attend school in Canada ASAP and i need to get score overall 6. I'm really dying to get it so that i have been preparing the IELTS test for 2 months. Here is my essay.

Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.
In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?
Has this become a positive or negative development?

My answer:
In these days, having smart phone or such electronic device is commonly conducted for people, who attend school like students, workers and retired seniors. And It is commonly happening any in the world that people don't talk to each other when they hang out with friends, and even also when they are getting together with family. It brings negative effects to people non talk, therefore building up relationship has been changed since the dawn of time.
Talking to other people is really important and it is vital element for people to make relationship and or to have real partnership in order to be mature adult. Because once you want to know about your senior at work or your friends, it is not possible to well know them without talk. For an instance most companies do interview with candidates to know their personalities, that would be effected to other, before hire. How they communicate to each other show their own personalities and characters as i added an example. However, technology has changed the way of interacting with each other.
In order to explain one more example. While technology, such as internet, is developing in fast pace, a person's rumor can extend quickly and rapidly via internet, badly. For example, a singer Korean, Tablo, had been argued through an article that his graduation of IVY league was fault and lied. And even he has proven this fact throughout his certification of the university, it remained for a long time on internet. Therefore, he got damaged to activate his business and control his daily life.
Returning to these examples as i mentioned, technology has been developed and changed but also brought bad social issues and effects to people, having non talk with each other and reveal fault fact to people as anonymousness.

Thank you for reading my writing. I felt i'm getting better steadily but sadly, i couldn't get any response so far. I would be really appreciated for your helping and paying attention. Thank you.