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Speaking Questions

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:01 pm
by saqibali

Which town of the city you live in?

Would you like to live in that part in future?

What are the weak areas of this part of town?

Cue card:

Tell some interesting experience of your teenage life?

What was it?
When it happen?
Who was with you?

I told them how AACIDENTLY I got excellent marks in my mathematics paper and in turn, I started working hard to maintain my good record.Comments requested regarding my selection of experience

Do you think teenagers are spending less time with old people?

Is it good to spend time with old people?

What the position of teenagers in society today?

Re: Speaking Questions

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:41 pm
by Ryan
Thank you for sharing this information, saqibali. Where did you take the exam?

Re: Speaking Questions

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:53 pm
by saqibali
Lahore, Pakistan

Re: Speaking Questions

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:47 pm
by mari
my speaking test was held today.

and i got the same questions in 1st part of the test.

However the 2nd and 3rd part was different.
the cue card was

Describe about a restaurant you visited and wanted to visit again.
- where it was
- why did you go there
- what did you do
Why do you want to visit it again

what can win customers to restaurant?
are fast food restaurants are good?
are local restaurant good enough for the locality or should there be international restaurants as well in any town?


my reading, writing and listening test tomorrow. Need best wishes and prayers.

Re: Speaking Questions

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:54 pm
by Ryan
Thanks so much for sharing, Mari. I hope it went well!

Re: Speaking Questions

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:19 am
by saqibali
saqibali wrote:Questions:

Which town of the city you live in?

Would you like to live in that part in future?

What are the weak areas of this part of town?

Cue card:

Tell some interesting experience of your teenage life?

What was it?
When it happen?
Who was with you?

I told them how AACIDENTLY I got excellent marks in my mathematics paper and in turn, I started working hard to maintain my good record.Comments requested regarding my selection of experience

Do you think teenagers are spending less time with old people?

Is it good to spend time with old people?

What the position of teenagers in society today?
Dear Ryan!
Do you agree with my selection of explanation for cue card?
I mean he asked about teenager experience, where it happended, what was it and who was with me? and I told him how unexpectedly I got excellent marks in one of my exams and I started working hard next time.

Re: Speaking Questions

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:59 am
by Ryan
I think that would work. It's interesting and it did happen during your teenage years. Did you couple this with talk about the people involved (your teacher? your classmates?)

Re: Speaking Questions

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:03 pm
by saqibali
Ryan wrote:I think that would work. It's interesting and it did happen during your teenage years. Did you couple this with talk about the people involved (your teacher? your classmates?)
Unfortunately, I did not and teh examiner herself asked "Did your friend have same experience ? " and then I replied.Actually, I noticed that she was about to stop me so I dropped that part but her question again directed me to that part.
Secondly, I noticed that the examiner was used to stop me half the way and ask the next question.I dont know why

Re: Speaking Questions

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:45 am
by online one
thank you a lot to share us this info. :)