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Please assess my final recordings.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:16 pm
by Mohammed
Hello Ryan and everyone,

Please check this out.I'm going to take the exam tomorrow.Would this kind of speaking get me a 7.5 band score?


Re: Please assess my final recordings.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:46 pm
by lmoore
Hi, Mohammed,
I hope you did well on your test! Although this review is late, I hope it still offers some tips for future improvement.
The main area I noticed that needs improvement is pronunciation. Your vocabulary, organization, etc. were all quite good. Even the pronunciation problems you had were not enough to hinder overall understanding of what you were trying to convey.
A few other notes first:
-What kinds of thing make me laugh? – What kinds of THINGS make me laugh?
-Comic – You say this word too often in a short span of time. Instead, use funny, hilarious, humorous, or other synonyms.
-You know what I mean? – You say this too often as well. While it shows fluency and a high comfort level with the language, using it too much indicates that you rely on it too much and perhaps do not know other similar phrases. Using these kinds of phrases too often is also not a good idea because it appears as though you are being too informal.
-They form a high opinion about you in their mind. – Just, “They form a high opinion about you.” Words that do not add any extra meaning should be deleted from your sentences.
-for this perspective – FROM this perspective
- maybe you laugh because you’re anger – This should be ANGRY, the adjective, not anger, the noun.
- You can show a positive impression to them. – You can make a positive impression on them.
-I’ve never tougt about that – Say the “th” in “thought.” This is also true for the word “they” when you say “day.”
-SPEcific –SpeCIfic – This is a problem with syllable stress, not so much with pronunciation.
-inTEgral – INtegral
-Yumor – Must pronounce the “h” in “humor.”
leeve – live
Best wishes!