ielts band 7 & 8

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ielts band 7 & 8

Post by durai »

Hi Ryan,

This is a typical question for you.

In task 2 writing, on GR & A, band 7 says we should use variety of complex structures and band 8 says wide range of structures, I am not too sure what is the difference between them.

If yes, could you please give me some examples

I am using your task 2 e-book for my preparation.

JAN 2014 L 8.5 R 8 W 6.5 S 6.5
FEB 2014 L 8 R 8 W 7 S 6.5
APR 2014 L 8 R 9 W 6.5 S 7
JUN 2014 L 8.5 R 7 W 6.5 S 6
July 2014 L 8.5 R 7 W 6.5 S 6.5
OCT 2014 L 7.5 R 7 W 7 S 7
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