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PLEASE, Help me to correct this text, the deadline is tomorrow :(((((

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:42 am
by gingerwisl
Sorry, I should delete it.

Re: PLEASE, Help me to correct this text, the deadline is tomorrow :(((((

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 1:49 pm
by Teacher
Dear Rahimzde
Kind regards
Teacher Jill

Letter of Motivation for Study Scholarships for Graduates of All Disciplines, 2016/2017

Dear DAAD Selection Committee,

I have always been very responsible about planning my educational and professional life. Obtaining a high-quality education is the most important phase in my long-term plan. With this letter I would like to show you my strong interest in the scholarship which is a key stage in the path to my successful career.

My first interaction with a computer happened when my parents bought me a gift laptop for my 12th birthday, although most of the time my older brother used it. However, his interest in information technology had enormous impact on my life. We started to study programming languages together, and this improved my computational skills. Thus, when I studied at school I had already had knowledge of coding and web development. My experience allowed me not only to write the program for the project, with which we participated in the International Olympiad INEPO EUROASIA, but also to take first place. After graduation from school, without hesitation I decided to study Computer Science at Baku State University in order to support my practical skills with relevant theory. Though I was the third best among applicants to the programme, during my studies there I was able to get to the top of the list and was named “The Best Student of The Year” in 2013.

While volunteering at the Olympiad on Informatics, I encountered a problem that greatly interests me. Part of my job was to help the participants correctly use the interface for the online submission process. I realized how much we are lagging behind in terms of online education from foreign universities and how important the user interface is in solving this problem. For this reason, along with training, I started to put my knowledge in practice.

This job has allowed me to understand how important it is to study the means and tools of representing, processing and storing information. To obtain general information and extensive experience in this field, I require more specific and in-depth knowledge, which I believe will allow me to succeed in my future career. German technical universities are among the best in the world in terms of quality of education and opportunities for top-level experience. Many of my friends and acquaintances, who have studied in Germany, have spoken with enthusiasm about their experiences there. Education in this country in English will not only allow me to become an expert at international level, but also test myself in an increasingly competitive and challenging environment.

My first choice is the Media Informatics programme offered by RWTH Aachen University because of its international orientation and high level of integration between research and teaching. What specifically attracts me is the fact the programme will allow me to successfully meet challenges in the core areas of Media Informatics like Computer Graphics, Designing Interactive Systems, and Object-Oriented Software Construction. I also appreciate that the alumni with a degree of RWTH Aachen are deemed best prepared for the workplace and are preferred by the best companies.

Both the other two programme choices are designed to provide graduates with outstanding analytical, creative and research skills for the development of software and application systems for digital media. The Computer Science and Media programme at Bauhaus University is distinguished by its internationally renowned teachers; and Applied Mathematics in Digital Media at the University of Applied Sciences, Mittweida is also perfect for me, since it will give me a very deep understanding of the underlying mathematical structures and algorithms in Computer Graphics.

Following the Master’s Degree, I'm going to help my country to reach a higher level in the field of data visualization. Since efficient tools for data processing and storage are key tools in any job, I believe that my knowledge and skills will be invaluable in achieving this goal.

In conclusion, I would be very grateful to be allowed such an opportunity to realize my dreams and look forward to your favourable reply.

Rahimzde Gulnar