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please assess my writing

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:40 pm
by Doni Nacho
Should education and healthcare be free of charge and founded by government or should it be responsibility of people to pay for these services.

Nowadays, it has been a conroversial issue whether government or individuals should be responsible to pay for healthcare and education services.Multitude of people claim that government provide these services for free. The author of this essay in concerned that aouthorities of every country must pay half cost of these services for their population.

To commence with,it is undobtedly certain that the demand for education and medical services is increasing dramatically in every part of the world. Some people think that these services should be free because human beings are right to be treated without payments and in some areas majority of individuals cannot affort to pay.Moreover, providing that people are charged for their education and medical treatment, the rate of death and illetirate population might rise in the country.Consequently, it could effect the culture and economy of the nation negatively.

Furthermore, as long as the state takes the responsibility the payments of educational healthcare services ,the country might lose high amount of money and it would be more difficult for it to recover its economy.However,it could be beneficial for not only government but also population of the countries provided that they pay the cost of education and healthcare services partly together.In addition, there are many optimal options to find a solution to the issue such as creating schoolarships in the universities and schools for students who are capable of getting higher score or organising charity events for patients who have financial problems.

In summary, taking every viewpoint into consideration,it seems to me that the cost of education and medical services should not be paid completely by human beings and the authorities should provide the half cost of these services for free of charge.

Re: please assess my writing

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 7:22 am
by Flick
Doni Nacho wrote:Should education and healthcare be free of charge and founded by government or should it be responsibility of people to pay for these services.

Nowadays, a controversial issue is whether the government or individuals should be responsible to pay for healthcare and education services. Many people claim that the government should provide these services for free. The author of this essay is concerned that authorities of every country must pay half the cost of these services for their population.

To commence with, it is undoubtedly certain that the demand for education and medical services is increasing dramatically in every part of the world. Some people think that these services should be free because human beings have the right to be treated without paying, and in some areas the majority of individuals cannot affort to pay. Moreover, providing that people are charged for their education and medical treatment, the rate of death and illiteracy might rise in the country. Consequently, it could effect the culture and economy of the nation negatively.

Furthermore, as long as the state takes responsibility for paying for education and healthcare services, the country might lose a large amount of money and it would be difficult for it to recover its economy. However, it could be beneficial for not only the government but also the population of the countries provided that they pay the cost of education and healthcare services partly together. In addition, there are many optimal options to find a solution to the issue such as creating scholarships at universities and schools for students who are capable of getting higher scores, or organising charity events for patients who have financial problems.

In summary, taking every viewpoint into consideration, it seems to me that the cost of education and medical services should not be paid completely by the population, and the authorities should provide half the cost of these services.