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what is the differenve b/w band 7 & 8 in GR & A

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:41 am
by durai
Hi guys,

This is a typical question,

In task 2 writing, on GR & A, band 7 says we should use variety of complex structures and band 8 says wide range of structures, I am not too sure what is the difference between them.

If yes, could you please give me some examples


Re: what is the differenve b/w band 7 & 8 in GR & A

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 1:19 pm
by Ryan
Hi Durai,

I've always interpreted that part of the public band descriptors chart to mean that the student is capable of presenting fluency through the use of appropriate complex and non-complex sentence combinations. Grammatical accuracy of these structures is next to flawless at the band 8 level. At band 8 GR and A student is almost indistinguishable from a native English user (a trait not seen at the band 7 level).