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Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:48 pm
by vishwa

Kindly asses this essay and give the feed back.

Nowadays students can access information online, so library services are no longer necessary. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.

It is certainly true that students have the opportunity to access information online; hence, some people believe that there is no need of libraries. I agree in part with this statement and agree on the benefits online access offers. However, I believe, it is unwise to consider that library services are no longer necessary.

After the advent of World Wide Web (the Internet), reading methods have entirely been changed. In developed countries like America and Canada, every school has the facility of online access. Easy availability of technology had made students to surf online for the information. They can search for any kind of data with in no time and can even save and print those chapters. According to a survey in Australia in 2014, which was based on students’ learning methodology, it was found that about 60% of students embrace the opportunity of latest technology to get information. This clearly depicts those online users for information gathering have been increased.

Yet numerous schools in the developing nations like India have libraries and students over there relish the library facilities. Library acts as a core component of a school for enhancing learning. Moreover, tranquil atmosphere at the library encourages students to concentrate on studies and makes the learning process enjoyable. In addition, reference materials are displayed at the library for the students’ use, which are difficult to find online. Furthermore, libraries are being updated from time to time and these days they provide a wide range of reading material in the form of DVDs. Therefore, libraries are very essential in the educational process of students.

In short, although online surfing provides easy accessibility to various subjects, yet these facilities are still not in reach in few areas of the world. Maintenance of libraries enhances reading habits in students. Hence, it is imprudent to consider libraries are unimportant.


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:21 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner
Hi Vishwa!
I like this essay! Yes, it really does depend a LOT on where you live. Also, in Western countries, libraries have become social centres where people can organise group activities.
Well done!


Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:49 pm
by vishwa

Television is a good thing, because it gives people enjoyment and keeps them informed as well. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

After the advent of audio-visual technology, television is now a common item possessed by most of the people. It is certainly true that television acts as an educational and entertaining device. Hence, it is considered as the best thing. I believe that if it is used in a proper way then it offers more benefits than drawbacks.

One benefit of television is, it drives away loneliness of elderly people by telecasting entertaining programs for them. It gives them great solace in the busy world where every one is in hurry. Satellite channels provide various options of TV channels like sports, music, movies and daily soaps, which are viewed by all age groups. Watching television is one kind of relaxing activity. However, watching television for long duration creates strain on eyes, at times people may over indulge in it, and this may result in reduction in social activities. The problem can be avoided by maintaining proper timings for watching television.

Another benefit is, the educational channels such as Discovery and National Geography help children in understanding various scientific lessons. For instance, when I was in grade 8 my teacher asked to gather information about working of a rocket. Fortunately, on Discovery channel the program on space shuttle and rocket were telecasted on the same day. Thus, I was benefited from television in giving the perfect presentation at my school. Moreover, the news channels keep people informed about what is happening across the globe. In addition, one can know about the latest products launched in the market from advertisements viewed on TV. It also helps people to be updated in accordance with the latest fashion trends.

In short, I believe every thing in the world has both pros and cons, similarly television has. However, by using it in a concerted way one can make it as a beneficial device.