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Evaluation of Writing Task 1

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:19 am
by Owais
Your neighbors have a dog that is noisy at night. You can’t sleep. Write a letter to your neighbors. In your letter:

- Describe the problem with the dog
- Explain why it is important for you to sleep
- Outline what your neighbors could do about the situation.

Dear Mr. Thomas,

I hope you are keeping well.

I am writing to express my concern over a problem with your noisy dog, and requesting your cooperation in this regard. Allow me to explain the situation for you.

You see, your dog starts barking loudly at night these days, consequently disturbing not only my sleep but also my kid’s. Since I am the only parent of my two school going children, it is very important for me to have a good night sleep to wake up early in the morning to prepare kids for school and make them breakfast. Lack of sound sleep at night is hampering me to discharge my parental obligations. I can offer some suggestions that might help resolve the issue.

It occurred to me that the loud barking has been happening only for a few days now, therefore, I reckon it could be due to the forthcoming winter season. Your dog may feel cold and start barking. Moreover, many dogs sometimes start loud barking due to extreme hunger. I therefore, believe that keeping your dog cozy and well fed at night could prevent him from barking.

Hoping a positive response towards resolving the issue.

Yours sincerely,

Re: Evaluation of Writing Task 1

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:33 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner
Hi Owais!
Oh, the noisy dog question - love it! :lol:
Great letter with nice vocab and grammar. Very few mistakes, such as ...
1. change kid's to kids'
2. delete the 'Lack of sound sleep' sentence as meaning is already clear
3. new sentence - Therefore I reckon ... and change reckon as it is too informal
4. Hoping FOR
All the best,