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argument - task2-retirement house- thank you

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:25 am
by rairaichan0115
In many societies, elderly people often live in retirement homes. This is not appropriate because families should always care for their aging members.
Do you agree?

In the contemporary societies, the aged caring is a profound issue since the dawn of time. Throughout history, senior citizens living in retirement homes will have better caring services than others who living their home with their family. It is disagreed that the senior people residing with their families is not appropriate. This argument will be proven by looking at how living in aged care association can ensure they both will have greatest medical assistance as well as a social relationship.

First of all, it is an undeniable fact that the elderly people will receive a wonderful medical service in the center. For instance, the center is required to have at least one registered nurse in their services for taking care them. As this shows, the elders will have a splendid medical helping from professional persons while they are attending in the homes. This makes it clear, the benefit of residing in the center is far outweigh it drawback.

Secondly, it is more significant that the seniors can build up a healthy social relationship with other persons during they are living there. To illustrate, they will have daily activities with all the elderly and assistants. Thus, they can have interactions with others as well as they will not feel lonely. It is obvious from that they can take advantage of living there

In conclusion, following by looking at how living in retirement homes can both enhance their opportunity of having better medical services and creating friendship along with their sharemates, it has been proven that living in the retirement homes has more pros than cos. Also, I believe that it is highly advisable for the family members who do not have sufficient time and skills for taking care their seniors then you can seek the center for assisting.

Re: argument - task2-retirement house- thank you

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:14 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0115 wrote:In many societies, elderly people often live in retirement homes. This is not appropriate because families should always care for their aging members.
Do you agree?

In contemporary societies, caring for the aged is a hotly debated topic. Throughout history, senior citizens living in retirement homes have better caring services than others who live with their family. It is disagreed that senior people residing with their families is not appropriate. This argument will be proven by looking at how living in aged care can ensure both medical assistance as well as a social relationship.(<--This sentence is the opposite to the previous. You state that you think it is ok for seniors to live at home, but then you say it is better they live in a care facility.)

First of all, it is an undeniable fact that elderly people receive better medical service in a care facility. For instance, the facility is required to have at least one registered nurse in their service. As this shows, the elders will have medical attention from professionals while they are living in the facility. This makes it clear the benefit of residing in the facility far outweighs the drawbacks.

Secondly, seniors are better able to build a healthy social life with other people at a care facility. To illustrate, they will have daily activities with all the elderly and assistants. Thus, they can have interactions with others so they will not feel lonely. It is obvious from this that they can take advantage of living there.

In conclusion, by looking at how living in retirement homes can both enhance their opportunity of receiving better medical services and creating friendships, it has been proven that living in retirement homes has more pros than cons. Also, I believe that it is highly advisable for family members who do not have sufficient time and skills for taking care of their seniors to look into assisted living facilities.

Re: argument - task2-retirement house- thank you

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:20 am
by rairaichan0115
Thanks Flick, Could you please check this one too. thank you

Topic: Students are given homework every day, some people think it’s good, while others disagree.
Describe both aspects and give your opinion.

In the modern society, students not only have to attend school, they also be required to do their exercises after institution. While some people would argue that it is a splendid idea for the children, many others would contend that giving homework to pupils is demerit to them. These points of view will be analyzed before arriving at a satisfactory outcome.

On the one hand, many people are of opinion that schoolchildren should have homework during a week. As they can recall what they have studied during the lesson. For instance, in Hong Kong, all the students are given assessments in each subject. It is argued that doing homework is part of their responsibility. Thus, it is understandable why many people gravitate toward this point of view.

On the other hand, many people sustain the notion that it is unnecessary to give homework to pupils every day. To illustrate, in Australia, students do not have any assignments. They only require to read books which are depending on their interested. Thus, they can learn something depending on their preferences and without pressure. After analyzing this fact, it is certainly clear that why many support this clam.

In conclusion, there are strong arguments on both sides, it is felt that conducting home work is the best means for students reviewing what they have done at school. Also, I believe that it seems advisable for colleges to give an appropriate amount of homework to them.