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please evaluate

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:59 am
by faruk079
Popular hobbies and interests change over time and are more a reflection of trends and fashions than an indication of what individuals really want to do in their spare time.
To what extent do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

Hobbies and interests have been the common ways of spending time since ancient time. Some people think that hobbies change over time by the influence of the trends and fashions while others think that it is totally dependent on individuals.

There are several reasons because of which some people think that the hobbies are influenced by the trends and fashions. At the outset, nowadays, the mode of communication is very easy. Several types of communication systems are present in today’s world among which the internet is predominant. People of any nation can know regarding the trends and fashions which are popular in other countries and emulate them to pass their time in an enjoyable manner. For example, trekking has become very popular nowadays among the young generation of our country, which has been one of the main leisure time activities in the first world countries. Furthermore, the people, who are more concerned with the up to date trends, would like to add adventures in their lives using these activities. Furthermore, fashions and trends change over time. The attires which people wore 20 years ago would definitely be different which are worn nowadays. In addition, people also try various latest activities to get rid of from the monotony of their daily lives.

On the contrary, some people think that these activities are not influenced by the trends and fashions rather it is dependent on the people’s choice. At first, the people, who are more concerned with their own country’s culture, would not replicate the trends of other cultures. This is because, it might demolish their own cultures and identity. They will always prefer to uplift their cultures in front of the world. For instance, the people who are very concerned about the culture of our country, would not go to any castle or bar to spend their free time. Furthermore, practicing new activities might be costly and dangerous for people’s lives. That is why, the people who are concerned about the cost and safety may not be involved with such activities.

In conclusion, it can be said that, although the trends of fashions as well as hobbies change over time, everyone should be cautious about their own identity. This would be helpful for our upcoming generations to learn their own cultures.

Re: please evaluate

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:20 pm
by Flick
faruk079 wrote:Popular hobbies and interests change over time and are more a reflection of trends and fashions than an indication of what individuals really want to do in their spare time.
To what extent do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

Hobbies and interests have been the common ways of spending time since ancient times. Some people think that hobbies change over time by the influence of current trends and fashions while others think that it is totally dependent on individuals.

There are several reasons why some people think that hobbies are influenced by trends and fashions. At the outset, nowadays, communication is very easy. Several types of communication systems are present in today’s world, the internet being predominant. People of any nation can discover the trends and fashions which are popular in other countries and emulate them to pass their time in an enjoyable manner. For example, trekking has become very popular nowadays among the young generation of our country, which has been one of the main leisure time activities in first world countries. Furthermore, the people who are more concerned with the up-to-date trends, would like to add adventures to their lives using these activities. Also, fashions and trends change over time. The attire which people wore 20 years ago would definitely look strange if worn today. In addition, people try various activities to escape the monotony of their daily lives.

On the contrary, some people think that these activities are not influenced by trends and fashions, rather it is dependent on the individual's choice. The people who are more concerned with their own country’s culture would not replicate the trends of other cultures. This is because it might demolish their own culture and identity. They will always prefer to promote their culture to the world. For instance, the people who are very concerned about the culture of our country would not go to a castle or bar to spend their free time. Furthermore, practicing new activities might be costly and dangerous for people’s lives. That is why the people who are concerned about cost and safety may not be involved with such activities.

In conclusion, it can be said that although trends and fashions as well as hobbies change over time, everyone should be cautious about their own identity. This could help our upcoming generations learn their own cultures.