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Essay - Admission charge for museums

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:27 pm
by polina.svr
Hello, everybody! I will be grateful for every point of view about my essay :)

Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?

Museums are fairly considered as the part of national history and culture. Maintaining them could help to save memory about our previous generations and to understand who we are. Most of museums have admission fees, and I think that it has more advantages than bad sides, and that museums should leave the entrance prices.
Firstly, it is important for every institution, not just museums, to have various incoming cashflows. It would help to keep the museums in good condition, as well as will help to gather resources to pay workers’ salaries. Furthermore, museums would have the ability to improve their facilities, for instance, restoration staff. In my opinion, it is the most crucial reason to leave the admission charged.
Secondly, some cost to enter the museum would help to reduce the number of people that go there just because they are bored or had nothing to do. It would help to improve the quality of visitors because individual that decided to pay the price certainly would have real interest in attending particular museum. Moreover, museums would likely to be less crowded.
Thirdly, although admission charge has many advantages, many people could not afford this. For such category of people, there should be discounts, for instance, for students or pensioners. Additionally, museums should make some days free for everybody, for example, first day of every month or national holiday days. Finally, people that should still pay could take this as some small investment in the culture and development of the country. Payments could be considered as some great, positive action.
In conclusion, museums are considerable part of our culture life, and we should understand that, paying the entrance price, we could help to maintain them and their exhibits.

Re: Essay - Admission charge for museums

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 6:45 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner
Hi Polina!

Overall, this is a good essay, with clear arguments (on both sides), good grammar and vocabulary. I think a couple of examples and a suggestion on how to cater to people who cannot afford to go to museums would be improvements that you could easily incorporate into the answer.

All the best,