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Task1-your accommodation burgled

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 6:32 am
by rairaichan0115
You have just returned from a trip and found your accommodation burgled. Write to the landlord/landlord to describe what you have lost, how it happened and ask him/her to take preventative measures so that it won’t happen again.

Dear Mr. Brown,

My name is Jenny Chan. I am living in Unit 1 on Exhibition Street. I am writing in order to inform you that several items in my room were stolen.

I was away my house for 5 days and yesterday I came back from my business trip. I was surprised when I opened my room. It was so untidy. All of the drawers and wardrobes were widely opened. I have found that my new bicycle, 42 inch television and Hi-Fi set were stolen. I reported this happening to the police immediately. After their investigation, they found that the housebreaker broke in from the window.

As you may know that it does not have any secure facilities for preventing from burglars breaking in. I was wondering could you possible to install iron fences to enhance the security level. I would greatly appreciate your prompt resolution of this matter.

Yours Sincerely,

Jenny Chan

Re: Task1-your accommodation burgled

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 7:11 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner
1. were wide open ...
2. I found that ...
3. I reported this incident ...
4. through the window
5. iron bars
Overall, another very good letter with a range of vocabulary and grammar generally used correctly.
Well done!