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Please kindly access my task2-causes and solutions 1

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 2:46 pm
by jennylfm
many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. The case and what can be done to attract local people?

Currently, the main visitors to plenty of local museums and historical spots are tourists rather than local residents. It is argued that the main cause of this are relatively expensive admission fee and competitive exhibitions displayed. To tackle these issues, lowering prices and attractive display shown will be analysed for viability.

Firstly, one reason behind why numerous museums and attractions with long history are mainly visited by travellers instead of local citizens is that the relatively high price for admission, which prevents a number of local residents from visiting these places. To counter this, an idea could be to decrease the admission cost or provide free admission to them. Additionally, the local people have paid money to these museums and historical sites by tax already, therefore, lower ticket price for them is reasonable and acceptable. By doing this, local residents do not need to worry about the high price and more willing to go there. As it shows, lowering price could be one efficient way to attract more local people to visit these museums and historical sites.

Another reason why the main visitors to local museums and historical sites are tourists instead of local people is boring and competitive contents exhibited on these locations. To tackle this issue, improving the style of exhibitions to provide more interesting and attractive exhibitions would help. For instance, museums and historical attractions can adopt or make use of modern technologies such as computers as to make the exhibitions more vivid and interesting. These funny display can help to attract more local people to come there. As this shows, attractive and interesting exhibitions can be one very effective way to encourage more local people to visit there.

In conclusion, lowering admission fee and exhibiting more interesting contents are effective ways to attract local residents to visit museums and historical sites. It is thus hoped that these strategies are put into place shortly.

Re: Please kindly access my task2-causes and solutions 1

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 7:55 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner
Hello again, Jenny!

Introduction - It is argued ... by which people? Both ideas are viable, so analysing for viability is not really what needs to be done in the essay.

First main paragraph - Good.

Second main paragraph - Competitive? Funny display?

Overall, good, but make sure that you use words correctly. Don't just try to create a good impression by using random words that sound good at the time.

All the best,