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Hello, please kindly assess my writing task 1. thanks

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:35 pm
by josecastrogomes
This bar graph shows separately numbers about global sales of games software, CDs and DVD or video between 2000 and 2003. The data are measured in billions of dollars.
The first year covered by the bar graph shows a clear dominance of worldwide sales of CDs. The sales volume of CDs was more than twice the ones for games software and DVD or video together at that time. In 2000, global sales of DVD or video were a just higher than games software ones.
But the years ahead showed a major change in the tendency for those three kinds of products. Global CDs sales started to decline, while DVD or videos sold globally increased firmly, reducing its distance from CDs sales and gaining more compared to games software sales. In 2001, global CDs sales were not higher than combined receipts from DVD or videos and games.
In 2002, worldwide CDs sales dropped again and DVD or video sales had another stellar year. Finally in 2003 a new rise in DVD or video sales around the world put them practically together with global CDs sales, just a shy below it, that had a new year of decline. In 2003 both had global earnings of around $ 30 billions.
Along the listed years, games software global sales rose steadily, but much less than DVD or video ones. As a result, while DVD or video global sales increased from less than $ 20 billion to more than $ 30 billions, global game software sales rose from around $ 15 billion to less than $ 20 billion.
The bar graphs illustrate the differences among people who consume albums according to gender, age and kind of music - pop music, rock music and classical music.
The first graph shows that pop music albums are more purchased by men (almost 30 per cent considering the three types of music analyzed), while women correspond to less than 20 per cent of it. Among pop music consumers, most of them are young, between 16 and 34 years, and just around 10 per cent are 45 years old or older.
The second bar chart is about purchasers of rock music. It continues showing a predominance of male people (just higher than 25 per cent) among both genders. People between 16 and 34 years old are also the majority of rock music albums purchasers.
The last graph indicates the purchasers of classical music according to gender and age. There is here a major change compared to the first two charts, as most classical music purchasers are 45 years old or older (around 20 per cent). Men keep on as the first purchasers, but with much less predominance than what is showed in the first two graphs. The percentage of people who purchase classic music albums are the least among the three kinds of music.

Re: Hello, please kindly assess my writing task 1. thanks

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:11 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner
We need the diagram for T1 academic questions.