how to answer this question

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how to answer this question

Post by rairaichan0323 »

Some employers think formal academic qualifications are more important than life experience and personal qualities when looking for an employee. what are the causes of this phenomenon and do you think this is a positive development?

The first part of question it looks like discussion essay, but the second part of question it looks like arugement essay.
how I can answer this question? would you please share your idea of this question?

Thank you!! ;)
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Re: how to answer this question

Post by Ryan »

Hi Rairai,

I think you could write a solid response using an argument essay structure. Spend one supporting paragraph arguing what you feel are the main causes and the second supporting paragraph demonstrating support for your position on the topic. In both paragraphs you should be providing evidence.
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Re: how to answer this question

Post by rairaichan0323 »

thank you very much Ryan :D
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