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Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:54 am
by anasjamil
Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?

It is true that the arts industry is funded by the governments of many countries. Some people are in favour of such investment. However, others expostulate with them. They argue that the government should spend money on public service sectors such as education and health instead of arts. In my opinion, it is important to provide financial assistance to arts industry as it provides opportunities to share harmony, peace, and cultural awareness among several nations.

To begin with, many countries have limited budget in the current volatile financial situation across the world. It is abundantly difficult for the government to manage the annual amount allocation procedure for basic facilities for the people. For instance, one million dollars are being used every year in Pakistan for painting exhibitions despite the fact that health operations are not free of cost in the country. Investments of such a huge amount are unwarranted. It seems superfluous to invest money in arts department because other important public sectors require more funds.

Despite the above arguments, in my view, it is imperative to promote arts and culture of a country.
Industries such as film making, drama and theatre have played a vital role in escalating the tolerance ratio between countries. For example, in countries such as Pakistan, people like to watch Indian movies which have bought both countries together in spite of a history of wars between each other. Both countries have started to like each other’s traditions and the trade between both countries is thriving. Eventually, the good relationships between countries will have global impact to eradicate terrorism, animosity and hatred.

In conclusion, I believe that arts sector is playing an impressive role in good relationships between different countries. We should promulgate every aspect of arts field through social media to achieve a prosperous global environment for people all around the world.