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Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:48 pm
by maianh
Some people believe that traditional testing system is the best way to assess students' ability while others do not. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

People these days usually think that tests and examinations have an unparalleled hold on the educational system. However, it is argued that these ways of testing are no longer useful on a larger scale. This essay will address the pros and cons of the aforementioned issue.

To commence with, myriad advantages of this fundamental system are indisputable. However, the most pivotal reason would be that it is an easy, effective and fast way to estimate the value of candidates in a particular aspect. That is to say, using traditional examinations means cheaper and more convenient than other methods of assessing learners' thorough study, which is rendered to be time-consuming. Take companies in Vietnam for instance, they would choose this kind of test to take on employees when in need for positions such as accountants.

However, on the other end of the scale, this process leads to an endless vicious circle of unproductive learning for many students over the world. Firstly, considering a final test that merely based on the long-period curriculum, it is an unfair system which does not provide an overall result. Many students struggle to learn through the period but not always receive the same result like some who only focus on the final exams. A recent research in New Delhi pointed out that of all the students who achieved acceptable marks on the final exam, there was only 37% of them working hard and stable during the whole semester.

In conclusion, although tests and examinations are implemented in many countries over the last decades due to their convenience, it is time for them to change for the seek of education main aim.



Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:18 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

Task - You have looked at both sides, developed the ideas and given reasonable examples.
Coherence - No problems. Clear organisation and good use of a range of connectives.
Vocabulary - Generally good, but some strange use, especially verbs, e.g. render.
Grammar - Reasonable. Good range but accuracy is not so high.

Overall a good essay. Be careful to use words precisely and avoid basic grammatical errors.

All the best,


Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:32 pm
by maianh
could you please check my grammatical mistakes?
Can i have band 7 ?

Thank you