Writing task 1 - 3D Cinema
Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:04 am
The figures provide information about the number of 3D cinema screens and movie releases over a seven year period.
Overall, the global presence of 3D technology and produced movies has strongly increased over the years of consideration. In particular the realisation of live action movies has become more and more important, starting from non-existent and becoming the most released type of films.
According to the graph, in 2005the number of 3D screens was almost zero. Over the first period, between 2005 and 2008, the presence of this technology in cinemas gradually rose. In spite of that, it wasn't a great success at this point. Nevertheless, in the next two years, the number of 3D screens boomed from well below 10,000 to slightly under 40,000 in 2011.
A similar trend can be seen in the release of 3D movies. At the beginning only few animation films were produced. The production remained steady between 2005 and 2007, while in 2008 the first live action movies appeared and from that moment there was a quick growth in figures for both categories. By 2012, the combined number of films reached 75, with the production of live action films that almost doubled the animation one.
Thanks for the help