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3 Sample Essays - Need 8+ (Hi David..appreciate feedback)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:07 pm
by anoops911
Dear David, Please comment on the below. I have been studying with your videos only. My target is 8+.

Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on your children. Do you agree or disagree?
Essay Plan :
1.Exposes to knowledge – Eg.banking/emails/documentations( specific) – everyday life,time saving.
2.Future innovation – Example,Bill Gates (specific)

Globally,computers have become an inevitable part of day to day life. It can be seen that our phones,washing machines or even watches have become more and more sophisticated. It is agreed that computers can not only add value to children in order to do their work faster but also make it more efficient. This argument will be proven by looking at how they save time and also how it supports innovative thinking.

Firstly, connected machines saves a lot of time in getting day to day tasks accomplished. For example, machines can store thousands of documents. It also makes it quick to look up and reference any topic topic from this collection. There is no doubt that it would have been a nightmare otherwise manually searching these documents. Thus, these advanced machines only improve a person's efficiency.

Moreover,understanding computers, opens up a world of opportunities for innovative thinking. For instance, Bill Gates would have never invented mac operating system followed by the amazing iPhone if he was not introduced to programming and hardware. Therefore, these systems only aids in futuristic thinking and development.

After analysing these examples of making day to day tasks easier and fostering innovating mindset, it has been proven that these advanced systems can only advance a child's knowledge. It is also predicted that computers will greatly influence and challenge the traditional ways of studies.

Re: Argument Essay 8+ discussion - 1 & 2

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 11:26 am
by anoops911
Dear Ryan...Your comments are important in my preparation...thank you.
Some argue younger people are not suitable for important positions in the government, while others think this is a good idea. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Essay plan....
Not suitable : Investment decisions, requires experience, job creation etc...
Suitable : More exposed to new technology, will bring new thinking, enabling technology..etc..
Support suitable…future...

Since the dawn of time,senior government jobs are often subjected to heated debates over the issue of employment criteria and their composition due to the responsibilities they carry with them. One side believes to restrict them only to well experienced hands but another point of view is to give exposure to the younger people. This essay will look at both sides before drawing to a logical conclusion.

On one hand, government posts usually have a lot of authority as well as responsibility towards building a nation as well as the society. For example, critical positions usually decide on the new projects which require massive investment towards developing cyber parks. They run into millions of dollars and generate thousands of employment. It is therefore important for the officials to understand the business as well as concepts to approve them. Thus,it is understandable for the officials to have relevant experience to make the right decision.

However, younger generation is more tech-wavy due to their exposure to the new age technological advancement. For instance, use of online banking and mobile money is revolutionising the world of payments. Sweden is progressive towards 100% cashless country. These advancements are greatly influenced and pushed by younger generation and government needs to adapt such technological changes into their policy making. Therefore, it is clear for these reasons for the merit to include younger generations into key senior governmental career positions.

It is clear from the above discussion that both sides demonstrates solid evidence for both sides of the argument and it is believed that the healthiest approach is not to have age limit restrictions for key governmental roles. It is predicted that the future is technology therefore with age,all positions should be backed up by relevant training.

Re: Argument Essay 8+ discussion(Hi David..appreciate feedback)

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:04 pm
by anoops911
Dear David...really appreciate your opinion. My test is on 2nd April.

In your opinion, what environmental problem poses the greatest risk to humanity? Suggest ways it can be solved.
Essay Plan:
Air pollution -
Why? - Global Warming, AQI, Diseases like allergy and asthma
Solution - Limit use of Fossil Fuel, examples of Delhi,singapore

Globally, quality of life has taken a serious toll on our surroundings. World has become a concrete jungle with huge reduction in green cover due to spiralling growth of dwelling areas as well as roads for the ever increasing automobile traffic. This has resulted in causing a serious threat to the environment and this essay will first discuss the issues as well as look at possible solutions before coming to a logical conclusion.

Firstly, quality of air has been thinning at alarming pace. For example, air quality index of Beijing on some days has been as high as 300+ against a norm of below 50. Possible causes of this degraded quality has been attributed to the increase in automobile emissions. This has not only resulted in global warming but also been the primary cause for poor health. Thus, it is clear that the environmental pollution is having a serious toll on our day to day life.

As a result,many initiatives have been taken around the world to improve the quality of air. For instance, in New Delhi, government has reduced the number of vehicles on the road by 50% by implementing an odd even rule for vehicles plying on the road. Singapore has been taxing the old vehicles as high as 50% more than normal to take them off road. These measures have shown to have considerable impact in improving the air quality index.
There also have been discussion on setting targets per country to improve the air quality index and recently the world leaders committed to an action plan toward achieving this goal in Paris.

To conclude, air quality is one of the basic and most important aspect for a healthy and progressing community. From the discussions above, there is not an aorta of doubt that the environment around has has to be preserved for our future generations. There has been a foundation stone set to gauge the damage and it is promising to see serious initiatives so that our children can live long and be healthy.