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climatic change <control by people> anyone there?

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:32 pm
by durai
Scientists and the mass media are presenting more evidences of climate change. Governments cannot be expected to solve this problem. It is the responsibility of individuals to change their way of lifestyle to prevent further damage. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Over the last decade, the weather conditions have significantly changed the world over. Global warming is considered to be the major climatic change due to emission of greenhouse gases that are produced by different human activities. However, many argue that the individuals should take stringent measures to protect earth atmosphere. I agree to the view that every person should change their way of living to reduce carbon emissions in the air.

First and foremost, the prime reason for global warming is the emission of carbon-dioxide, and this is due to increasing number of private vehicles. If people reduce the use of cars by commuting through public transport then the atmosphere will not be polluted further with fumes that are produced by burning fossil fuels such as petrol and diesel. Thus, as this makes clear, members of society can make a significant contribution to environmental sanitation.

Another factor that deserves attention is the deforestation that acts as a catalyst for a rapid increase in temperature. The reason is that the tree gives out oxygen and takes in carbon-dioxide that is necessary to maintain ecological balance. So it is possible for people to stop cutting down the trees, and start reforestation process. Now, it is proved that citizens can help to protect the ecosystem.

At the end of the day, there are evidences of change in global temperature that are presented by scientific researchers and media. So, the people of every country should take possible steps to reduce the causes of this variation. Let us hope that the future generation would have pollution free environment.

Re: climatic change <control by people> anyone there?

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 4:15 pm
by andytruong1202
durai wrote:Scientists and the mass media are presenting more evidences of climate change. Governments cannot be expected to solve this problem. It is the responsibility of individuals to change their way of lifestyle to prevent further damage. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Over the last decade, the weather conditions have significantly changed the world over. Global warming is considered to be a major issue due to emission of greenhouse gases produced by different human activities (How gas emissions make global warming a major issue??) . However, many argue that individuals should take stringent measures to protect the earth atmosphere. I agree with the view that every person should change their way of living in order to reduce carbon emissions in the air.

First and foremost, the primary cause of global warming is the emissions of carbon-dioxide, and this is due to the increasing number of private vehicles. If people reduce the use of cars by commuting via public transports then the atmosphere will not be polluted further with fumes being produced by burning fossil fuels such as petrol and diesel. Thus, it is clear that members of society can make a significant contribution to environmental sanitation.

Another factor that deserves attention is the deforestation that acts as a catalyst for a rapid increase in temperature. The reason is that the trees give out oxygen and take in carbon-dioxide that is necessary to maintain ecological balance. Thus, it is possible for people to stop cutting down trees, and start reforestation process What do you mean by this sentence?). Now, it is proved that citizens can help to protect the ecosystem.

At the end of the day, there are evidences of change in global temperature that are presented by scientific researchers and media. So, the people of every country should take possible steps to reduce the causes of this variation. Let us hope that the future generation would have pollution free environment.

You didn't answer the question directly. I believe the question asked whether it's individuals' responsibility or governments' and why. The question asked you to agree or disagree to this view (individuals is responsible) but you provided solutions to the climate change problem??

You should read the question carefully, and make sure you understand the question thoroughly before you start writing.

Re: climatic change <control by people> anyone there?

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:10 am
by durai
Hi Andy,

Thanks for your suggestions.

I double check questions. But, you know, I was thinking different answer when I start but while writing my wordings changed for climate change. I came to know only at the end of my writing my answer deviated from the topic. But still I posted to see check.


Re: climatic change <control by people> anyone there?

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:11 pm
by inaveed
Over the last decade, the weather conditions have significantly changed the world over (all over the world). Global warming (is causing considerable climate change)is considered to be the major climatic change due to emission of greenhouse gases that are produced by different human activities. However, many argue that the individuals should take stringent measures to protect earth (No neeed to write earth) atmosphere. I agree to the view that, every person should change their way of living to in order to reduce carbon emissions in the air.

First and foremost, the prime reason for global warming is the emission of carbon-dioxide. (I recommend full stop here) and tThis is due to increasing increase in number of private vehicles. If people reduce the use of cars by commuting through public transport, then the atmosphere will not be polluted further with fumes that are produced (when fossil fuel such as petrol and diesel is burnt) by burning fossil fuels such as petrol and diesel. Thus, as this makes it clear, members of the society can make a significant contribution to environmental sanitation.

Another factor that deserves attention is the deforestation that because it acts as a catalyst for a rapid increase rise in temperature. The reason for this is that the trees gives out oxygen and takes in carbon-dioxide that is necessary to maintain ecological balance.(serious cohesion issue between this and the next sentence, The previous sentence doesn't lead to the next one) So it is possible for people to stop cutting down the trees, and start reforestation process. (No cohesion!)Now, it is proved that citizens can help to protect the ecosystem.

At the end of the day, there are evidences of change in global temperature that are presented by scientific researchers and media. So, the people of every country should take possible steps to reduce the causes of this variation. Let us hope that the future generation would have pollution free environment. (This is a confused conclusion)

Hi Durai,

Your grammar is almost ok (85%). There are serious issues with your complex sentences. Plan before writing the essay. The content is very dubious. The essay is not convincing. I couldn't get a single reason why people should play a role in saving the climate instead of governments. I would instead disagree and state that governments can play a better role since they can enforce laws such as stopping cars in city centers. Penalizing people who undertake deforestation etc.

Look your English above is good but not sweet. I didn't enjoy reading your essay. I have tried to write alternatives to your current sentences. Try to improve your sentences, structures and content if you plan to score a high mark.


Re: climatic change <control by people> anyone there?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:57 am
by allen_zhang
How about my version? can anyone help to assess it?

Climate change has become one of the major challenges that our planet is facing. Some people believe that it is individuals rather than governments who should take the responsibilities to address this problem. I disagree with this opinion.

It is true that individuals can make their contribution to reduce climate change. The trend of global warming is considered as the major climate change. To individuals, changing of lifestyles can help to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas which is the main cause of global warming. For example, people can choose to give up driving private cars and to take greener means of transport like public transport or walking, which can effectively reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, saving power at home is another thing individuals can do on this matter. This is because the majority of our electric power comes from power plants which consume a huge amount of fossil fuel and produce greenhouse gases.

However, an issue as big as climate change cannot be simply solved at individuals’ level. It is the governments who can make a real difference. Firstly, factory emissions are the main source of greenhouse gas. To restrict and regulate the factory emissions, governments can take economic or even law enforcement measures. For example, taxing carbon emissions and punishing over discharging could be effective methods in reducing factory emissions. Secondly, another solution can be taken by governments is to make policies to encourage the use of greener energies like wind power, solar power and water power. Lastly, investments in public transport systems and encouraging people to take greener public transport are also among the actions which can contribute to address the climate change problem but cannot be done by individuals.

To sum up, from my point of view, in the campaign of tackling climate change, individuals can certainly make their contributions by changing their lifestyles, but the governments are the key role in it.

Re: climatic change <control by people> anyone there?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:39 pm
by andytruong1202
allen_zhang wrote:How about my version? can anyone help to assess it?

Climate change has become one of the major challenges that our planet is facing. Some people believe that it is individuals rather than governments who should take responsibilities to address this problem. I disagree with this opinion.

It is true that individuals can make their contribution to reduce climate change (While you disagree with the view above, what point are you trying to make here??). The trend of global warming is considered as the major climate change (This sentence is nonsense). For individuals, changing of lifestyle can help to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas which is the main cause of global warming ( Off topic. For example, people can choose to give up driving private cars and to take greener means of transport like public transport or walking, which can effectively reduce the greenhouse gas emissions again, off topic. In addition, saving power at home is another thing individuals can do on this matter. This is because the majority of our electric power comes from power plants which consume a huge amount of fossil fuel and produce greenhouse gases.This paragraph is off topic, you should provide reasons as to why you disagree with the view you stated in your introduction

However, an issue as big as climate change cannot be simply solved at individuals’ level. It is the governments who can make a real difference. Firstly, factory emissions are the main source of greenhouse gas. To restrict and regulate the factory emissions, governments can take economic or even law enforcement measures. For example, taxing carbon emissions and punishing over discharging could be effective methods in reducing factory emissions. Secondly, another solution can be taken by governments is to make policies to encourage the use of greener energies like wind power, solar power and water power. Lastly, investments in public transport systems and encouraging people to take greener public transport are also among the actions which can contribute to address the climate change problem but cannot be done by individuals. This is also off topic.

To sum up, from my point of view, in the campaign of tackling climate change, individuals can certainly make their contributions by changing their lifestyles, but the governments are the key role in it.

You should read the question thoroughly before start writing.